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Customize web server

PHP + Nginx​

Default Nginx configuration​

The default PHP+Nginx service has following Nginx configuration:

server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;

server_name _;

# Be sure that you set up the correct document root!
root {{.DocumentRoot}};

location ~ \.php {
try_files _ @backend;

location / {
# use this for pretty url
try_files $uri /$uri /index.html /index.php$is_args$args;

location @backend {
fastcgi_pass unix:{{.PhpSocket}};
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$;
include fastcgi_params;

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $realpath_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $realpath_root;

access_log syslog:server=unix:/dev/log,facility=local1,tag=nginx,severity=info default_short;
error_log syslog:server=unix:/dev/log,facility=local1,tag=nginx,severity=error;

The configuration contains 2 variables:

  • {{.DocumentRoot}} is replaced by the run.documentRoot attribute from the zerops.yml. If the attribute is not specified, the default value /var/www is used.

  • {{.PhpSocket}} is replaced by a path to the PHP socket based on the PHP version.

Customize Nginx configuration​

Follow these steps to customize the Nginx configuration in PHP+Nginx service:

  1. Create a .tmpl file with the Nginx configuration in your repository.

  2. Optionally use following variables:

  • {{.DocumentRoot}} is replaced by the run.documentRoot attribute from the zerops.yml. If the attribute is not specified, the default value /var/www is used.


root {{.DocumentRoot}};
  • {{.PhpSocket}} is replaced by a path to the PHP socket based on the PHP version.


fastcgi_pass unix:{{.PhpSocket}};

Use the .tmpl file extension to make Zerops interpret the file as a template. Zerops will replace the supported variables listed above.

  1. Check that your Nginx configuration is consistent with Zerops requirements:
  • Do not use IP addresses in the listen directive
  • If you use other ports than :80 in the listen directive, add them to the run.ports in your zerops.yml as well.
  • Do not use the port :443. All the incoming https:// traffic is terminated on the Zerops internal balancer where the SSL certificate is installed and the request is forwarded to your PHP+Nginx service as a http:// on the port :80.
  1. Add the siteConfigPath to the run section of your zerops.yml
# define hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
# REQUIRED. Set the base technology for the build environment:
base: php-nginx@latest

# REQUIRED. Select which files / folders to deploy after
# the build has successfully finished
- vendor
- public

# ==== how to run your application ====
documentRoot: public

# OPTIONAL. Sets the custom Nginx or Apache configuration. The file must be deployed in the runtime container. Enter the path to the file relative to the /var/www folder
siteConfigPath: site_config.tmpl
  1. Ensure that the build.deployFiles contains the folder with the siteConfigPath or add the path to the Nginx config file to the deployFiles list. Zerops will deploy the file to the runtime container(s).

  2. Trigger the build & deploy pipeline.

PHP + Apache​

Default Apache configuration​

The default PHP+Apache service has following Apache configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot {{.DocumentRoot}}
DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.shtml index.php index.phtml

<Directory {{.DocumentRoot}}>
Options -Indexes
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

<FilesMatch ".php$">
SetHandler "proxy:unix:{{.PhpSocket}}|fcgi://localhost/"

ErrorLog "| /usr/bin/logger -tapache -plocal1.err"
CustomLog "| /usr/bin/logger -tapache -plocal1.notice" combined

The configuration contains 2 variables:

  • {{.DocumentRoot}} is replaced by the run.documentRoot attribute from the zerops.yml. If the attribute is not specified, the default value /var/www is used.

  • {{.PhpSocket}} is replaced by a path to the PHP socket based on the PHP version.

Customize Apache configuration​

Follow these steps to customize the Apache configuration in PHP+Apache service:

  1. Create a .tmpl file with the Nginx configuration in your repository.

  2. Optionally use following variables:

  • {{.DocumentRoot}} is replaced by the run.documentRoot attribute from the zerops.yml. If the attribute is not specified, the default value /var/www is used.


DocumentRoot {{.DocumentRoot}};
  • {{.PhpSocket}} is replaced by a path to the PHP socket based on the PHP version.


<FilesMatch ".php$">
SetHandler "proxy:unix:{{.PhpSocket}}|fcgi://localhost/"

Use the .tmpl file extension to make Zerops interpret the file as a template. Zerops will replace the supported variables listed above.

  1. Check that your Apache configuration is consistent with Zerops requirements:
  • Do not use IP addresses in the <VirtualHost> directive
  • If you use other ports than :80 in the <VirtualHost> directive, add them to the run.ports in your zerops.yml as well. Do not use the port :443. All the incoming https:// traffic is terminated on the Zerops internal balancer where the SSL certificate is installed and the request is forwarded to your PHP+Apache service as a http:// on the port :80.
  1. Add the siteConfigPath to the run section of your zerops.yml.
# define hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
# REQUIRED. Set the base technology for the build environment:
base: php-apache@latest

# REQUIRED. Select which files / folders to deploy after
# the build has successfully finished
- vendor
- public

# ==== how to run your application ====
documentRoot: public

# OPTIONAL. Sets the custom Nginx or Apache configuration. The file must be deployed in the runtime container. Enter the path to the file relative to the /var/www folder
siteConfigPath: site_config.tmpl
  1. Ensure that the build.deployFiles contains the folder with the siteConfigPath or add the path to the Apache config file to the deployFiles list. Zerops will deploy the file to the runtime container(s).

  2. Trigger the build & deploy pipeline.