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🚧 Work in Progress


Zerops provides a fully managed Typesense search engine service that combines developer productivity with enterprise-grade reliability. The platform handles infrastructure complexity through automated deployment, scaling, and maintenance while providing developers full access to Typesense's native capabilities.

Supported Versions​

Currently supported Typesense version:

  • 27.1

Import configuration version:

  • typesense@27.1

Service Configuration​

Our Typesense implementation comes with carefully tuned defaults that diverge from the standard Typesense configuration in the following ways:

thread-pool-size: 16
num-collections-parallel-load: 8

These defaults are optimized for most common use cases and managed by the platform. If you need to adjust these settings, please contact us through our support channels.

Deployment Modes​


The choice between HA and non-HA mode must be made during service creation and cannot be changed later. Make sure to carefully consider your requirements before deploying.

Non-HA Mode​

  • Suitable for development and testing
  • Data persistence not guaranteed during node failures
  • Lower resource requirements

HA Mode​

  • Implements Typesense's native Raft consensus mechanism for data replication
  • Deploys as a 3-node cluster by default for optimal reliability
    • Scaling configuration of 3-5 or 3-7 nodes for higher workloads is possible upon request (contact support to configure custom node ranges)
  • Includes built-in data synchronization across all nodes
  • Features automatic leader election to maintain cluster availability
    • Recovery typically takes up to 1 minute during node failures or leader transitions
    • During these periods, requests may temporarily receive 503 Not Ready or Lagging or 500 Could not find a leader responses
    • These states automatically resolve once consensus is reestablished

API Key Management​

The master API key is automatically generated and managed by the platform. You can access it through:

  • The service access details in the Zerops GUI
  • The apiKey environment variable in your service configuration

Currently, as a security-focused design decision, the master API key cannot be modified after generation.

CORS Configuration​

Your Typesense instance comes with CORS enabled by default, ensuring seamless integration with frontend applications. Browser-based clients can directly access the instance by providing the X-Typesense-Api-Key header, maintaining security while enabling straightforward client-side implementation.

Network Architecture & Access Patterns​

Access Methods​

HTTPS Access​

When using HTTPS access (either through Zerops subdomain or custom domain), traffic is distributed across nodes via our integrated Nginx proxy layer. This provides a single access point that handles load balancing automatically.

For enabling HTTPS access:

  1. Configure through the Zerops access documentation
  2. Or use enableSubdomainAccess: true when importing a Typesense service

Direct Node Access​

Allows to access individual nodes using internal DNS:

  1. Via Zerops VPN
  2. Internal Project Access - services within the same project can reach nodes directly

Node addressing patterns:

Standard format​


  • e.g. node1.db.typesenseha.zerops, node2.db.typesenseha.zerops
Stable DNS records​


  • maintain consistent IP mapping until node retirement (scaling down or failure events)
  • e.g. node-stable-1.db.typesenseha.zerops, node-stable-2.db.typesenseha.zerops

Quick Start Example​

Here's a simple example of using Typesense with the JavaScript client:

import TypesenseClient from 'typesense'

const client = new TypesenseClient({
nodes: [{
host: '', // Your Zerops subdomain
port: '443',
protocol: 'https'
apiKey: process.env.TYPESENSE_API_KEY,
connectionTimeoutSeconds: 2

// Create a collection
await client.collections().create({
name: 'companies',
fields: [
{ name: 'company_name', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'num_employees', type: 'int32' },
{ name: 'country', type: 'string', facet: true }
default_sorting_field: 'num_employees'

// Example search query
const searchResults = await client.collections('companies')
q: 'tech',
query_by: 'company_name',
filter_by: 'country:=USA',
sort_by: 'num_employees:desc'

Best Practices​

API Key Security​

  • Never expose the master API key in client-side code
  • Generate scoped search-only API keys for frontend applications
  • Rotate API keys periodically through your service configuration

High Availability​

  • Implement retry logic in clients for handling temporary unavailability
  • Use stable DNS records for direct node access when needed

Performance Optimization​

  • Utilize batch operations for bulk updates
  • Configure appropriate timeout values based on your use case
  • Consider data volume when designing collection schemas


For advanced configurations or custom requirements: