Configure Your Rust build & deploy pipeline
Zerops provides a customizable build and runtime environment for your Rust application.
Add zerops.yml to your repository​
Start by adding zerops.yml
file to the root of your repository and modify it to fit your application:
# define hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
# REQUIRED. Set the base technology for the build environment:
base: rust@latest
# OPTIONAL. Set the operating system for the build environment.
# os: ubuntu
# OPTIONAL. Customize the build environment by installing additional packages
# or tools to the base build environment.
# prepareCommands:
# - apt-get something
# - curl something else
# REQUIRED. Build your application
- cargo b --release
# REQUIRED. Select which files / folders to deploy after
# the build has successfully finished
- target/release/~app
# OPTIONAL. Which files / folders you want to cache for the next build.
# Next builds will be faster when the cache is used.
# cache: file.txt
# ==== how to run your application ====
# OPTIONAL. Sets the base technology for the runtime environment:
base: rust@latest
# OPTIONAL. Sets the internal port(s) your app listens on:
# port number
- port: 8080
# OPTIONAL. Customize the runtime Rust environment by installing additional
# dependencies to the base Rust runtime environment.
# prepareCommands:
# - apt-get something
# - curl something else
# OPTIONAL. Run one or more commands each time a new runtime container
# is started or restarted. These commands are triggered before
# your Rust application is started.
# initCommands:
# - rm -rf ./cache
# REQUIRED. Your Rust application start command
start: ./app
The top-level element is always zerops
The first element setup
contains the hostname of your service. A runtime service with the same hostname must exist in Zerops.
Zerops supports the definition of multiple runtime services in a single zerops.yml
. This is useful when you use a monorepo. Just add multiple setup elements in your zerops.yml
Each service configuration contains at least two sections: build and run. Both sections are required to build and deploy your Rust application in Zerops. If you'd like to use a readiness check, add an optional deploy section.
Build pipeline configuration​
REQUIRED. Sets the base technology for the build environment.
Following options are available for Rust builds:
The base build environment contains Alpine 3.20, the selected
major version of Rust, Zerops command line tool, npm
, yarn
, git
and npx
You can change the base environment when you need to. Just simply modify the zerops.yml
in your repository.
If you need to install more technologies to the build environment, set multiple values as a yaml array. For example:
See the full list of supported build base environments.
To customize your build environment use the prepareCommands attribute.
Modifying the base technology will invalidate your build cache. See our Build Cache Documentation for more details about cache invalidation.
OPTIONAL. Sets the operating system for the build environment.
Following options are available:
Default value is alpine
We are currently using following os version:
- Alpine 3.20
- Ubuntu 22.04
The os version is fixed and cannot be customized.
Modifying the OS will invalidate your build cache. See our Build Cache Documentation for more details about cache invalidation.
OPTIONAL. Customizes the build environment by installing additional dependencies or tools to the base build environment.
The base build environment contains:
- Alpine 3.20
- selected version of Rust defined in the base attribute
- Zerops command line tool
To install additional packages or tools add one or more prepare commands:
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
# REQUIRED. Set the base technology for the build environment:
base: rust@latest
# OPTIONAL. Customize the build environment by installing additional packages
# or tools to the base build environment.
- cargo b --release
When the first build is triggered, Zerops will
- create a build container
- download your application code from your repository
- run the prepare commands in the defined order
The application code is available in the /var/www
folder in your build container before the prepare commands are triggered. This allows you to use any file from your application code in your prepare commands (e.g. a configuration file).
These commands are skipped when using cached environment. Modifying prepareCommands
will invalidate your build cache. See our Build Cache Documentation for details about cache invalidation.
Command exit code​
If any command fails, it returns an exit code other than 0 and the build is canceled. Read the build log to troubleshoot the error. If the command ends successfully, it returns the exit code 0 and Zerops triggers the following command. When all prepare commands are finished, your custom build environment is ready for the build phase.
Single or separated shell instances​
You can configure your prepare commands to be run in a single shell instance or multiple shell instances. The format is identical to build commands.
REQUIRED. Defines build commands.
At least one command is required. Zerops triggers each command in the defined order in a dedicated build container.
Before the build commands are triggered the build container contains:
- base environment defined by the base attribute
- optional customisation of the base environment defined in the prepareCommands attribute
- your application code
Run build commands as a single shell instance​
Use following syntax to run all commands in the same environment context. For example, if one command changes the current directory, the next command continues in that directory. When one command creates an environment variable, the next command can access it.
Run build commands as a separate shell instances​
When the following syntax is used, each command is triggered in a separate environment context. For example, each shell instance starts in the home directory again. When one command creates an environment variable, it won't be available for the next command.
Command exit code​
If any command fails, it returns an exit code other than 0 and the build is canceled. Read the build log to troubleshoot the error. If the error log doesn't contain any specific error message, try to run your build with the --verbose option.
If the command ends successfully, it returns the exit code 0 and Zerops triggers the following command. When all buildCommands
are finished, the application build is completed and ready for the deploy phase.
REQUIRED. Selects which files or folders will be deployed after the build has successfully finished. To filter out specific files or folders, use .deployignore
Determines files or folders produced by your build, which should be deployed to your runtime service containers.
The path starts from the root directory of your project (the location of zerops.yml
). You must enclose the name in quotes if the folder or the file name contains a space.
The files/folders will be placed into /var/www
folder in runtime, e.g. ./src/assets/fonts
would result in /var/www/src/assets/fonts
Deploys a folder, and a file from the project root directory:
Deploys the whole content of the build container:
Deploys a folder, and a file in a defined path:
How to use a wildcard in the path​
Zerops supports the ~
character as a wildcard for one or more folders in the path.
Deploys all file.txt
files that are located in any path that begins with /path/
and ends with /to/
Deploys all folders that are located in any path that begins with /path/to/
Deploys all folders that are located in any path that begins with /path/
and ends with /to/
By default, ./src/assets/fonts
deploys to /var/www/src/assets/fonts
, keeping the full path. Adding ~
, like ./src/assets/~fonts
, shortens it to /var/www/fonts
Add a .deployignore
file to the root of your project to specify which files and folders Zerops should ignore during deploy. The syntax follows the same pattern format as .gitignore
To ignore a specific file or directory path, start the pattern with a forward slash (/
). Without the leading slash, the pattern will match files with that name in any directory.
For consistency, it's recommended to configure both your .gitignore
and .deployignore
files with the same patterns.
The example above ignores file.txt
only in the root src directory.
This example above ignores file.txt
in ANY directory named src
, such as:
file also works with zcli service deploy
OPTIONAL. Defines which files or folders will be cached for the next build.
The cache attribute helps optimize build times by preserving specified files between builds.
The cache attribute supports the ~ wildcard character.
Learn more about the build cache system in Zerops.
OPTIONAL. Defines the environment variables for the build environment.
Enter one or more env variables in following format:
Read more about environment variables in Zerops.
Runtime configuration​
OPTIONAL. Sets the base technology for the runtime environment.
If you don't specify the run.base
attribute, Zerops keeps the current Rust version for your runtime.
Following options are available for Rust builds:
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
# REQUIRED. Sets the base technology for the build environment:
base: rust@latest
# ==== how to run your application ====
# OPTIONAL. Sets the base technology for the runtime environment:
base: rust@latest
The base runtime environment contains Alpine 3.20, the selected major version of Rust, Zerops command line tool, npm, yarn, git and npx tools.
You can change the base environment when you need to. Just simply modify the zerops.yml in your repository.
If you need to install more technologies to the runtime environment, set multiple values as a yaml array. For example:
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
# REQUIRED. Sets the base technology for the build environment:
base: rust@latest
# ==== how to run your application ====
# OPTIONAL. Sets the base technology for the runtime environment:
- rust@latest
- zsc add go@latest
See the full list of supported run base environments.
To customize your build environment use the prepareCommands
OPTIONAL. Sets the operating system for the runtime environment.
Following options are available:
Default value is alpine
We are currently using following os version:
- Alpine 3.20
- Ubuntu 22.04
The os version is fixed and cannot be customised.
OPTIONAL. Specifies one or more internal ports on which your application will listen.
Projects in Zerops represent a group of one or more services. Services can be of different types (runtime services, databases, message brokers, object storage, etc.). All services of the same project share a dedicated private network. To connect to a service within the same project, just use the service hostname and its internal port.
For example, to connect to a Rust service with hostname = "app" and port = 8080 from another service of the same project, simply use app:8080
. Read more about how to access a Rust service.
Each port has following attributes:
Parameter | Description |
port | Defines the port number. You can set any port number between 10 and 65435. Ports outside this interval are reserved for internal Zerops systems. |
protocol | Optional. Defines the protocol. Allowed values are TCP or UDP . Default value is TCP . |
httpSupport | Optional. httpSupport = true is the default setting for TCP protocol. Set httpSupport = false if a web server isn't running on the port. Zerops uses this information for the configuration of public access. httpSupport = true is available only in combination with the TCP protocol. |
OPTIONAL. Customises the Rust runtime environment by installing additional dependencies or tools to the runtime base environment.
The base Rust environment contains Alpine 3.20, the selected
major version of Rust, Zerops command line tool and npm
, yarn
, git
and npx
tools. To install additional packages or tools add one or
more prepare commands:
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
# ==== how to run your application ====
# OPTIONAL. Customise the runtime environment by installing additional packages
# or tools to the base Rust runtime environment.
- apt-get something
- curl something else
When the first deploy with a defined prepare attribute is triggered, Zerops will
- create a prepare runtime container
- optionally: copy selected folders or files from your build container
- run the
commands in the defined order
Command exit code​
If any command fails, it returns an exit code other than 0 and the deploy is canceled. Read the prepare runtime log to troubleshoot the error. If the command ends successfully, it returns the exit code 0 and Zerops triggers the following command. When all prepareCommands
commands are finished, your custom runtime environment is ready for the deploy phase.
Cache of your custom runtime environment​
Some packages or tools can take a long time to install. Therefore, Zerops caches your custom runtime environment after the installation of your custom packages or tools is completed. When the second or following deploy is triggered, Zerops will use the custom runtime cache from the previous deploy if following conditions are met:
- Content of the build.addToRunPrepare and
attributes didn't change from the previous deploy - The custom runtime cache wasn't invalidated in the Zerops GUI.
To invalidate the Zerops runtime cache go to your service detail in Zerops GUI, choose Service dashboard & runtime containers from the left menu and click on the Open pipeline detail button. Then click on the Clear runtime prepare cache button.
When the prepare cache is used, Zerops doesn't create a prepare runtime container and executes the deployment of your application directly.
Single or separated shell instances​
You can configure your prepare commands to be run in a single shell instance or multiple shell instances. The format is identical to build commands.
Copy folders or files from your build container​
The prepare runtime container contains Alpine 3.20, the
selected major version of Rust, Zerops command line tool and npm
, yarn
, git
and npx
The prepare runtime container does not contain your application code nor the built application. If you need to copy some folders or files from the build container to the runtime container (e.g. a configuration file) use the addToRunPrepare
attribute in the build section.
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
addToRunPrepare: ./runtime-config.yml
# ==== how to run your application ====
# OPTIONAL. Customise the runtime environment by installing additional packages
# or tools to the base Rust runtime environment.
- apt-get something
- curl something else
In the example above Zerops will copy the runtime-config.yml
file from your build container after the build has finished into the new prepare runtime container. The copied files and folders will be available in the xxx
folder in the new prepare runtime container before the prepare commands are triggered.
OPTIONAL. Defines one or more commands to be run each time a new runtime container is started or a container is restarted.
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
build: ...
# ==== how to run your application ====
# OPTIONAL. Run one or more commands each time a new runtime container
# is started or restarted. These commands are triggered before
# your Rust application is started.
- rm -rf ./cache
These commands are triggered in the runtime container before your Rust application is started via the start command.
Use init commands to clean or initialise your application cache or similar operations.
The init commands will delay the start of your application each time a new runtime container is started (including the horizontal scaling or when a runtime container is restarted).
Do not use the init commands for customising your runtime environment. Use the run:prepareCommands attribute instead.
Command exit code​
If any of the initCommands
fails, it returns an exit code other than 0, but deploy is not canceled. After all init commands are finished, regardless of the status code, the application is started. Read the runtime log to troubleshoot the error.
Single or separated shell instances​
You can configure your initCommands
to be run in a single shell instance or multiple shell instances. The format is identical to build commands.
OPTIONAL. Defines the environment variables for the runtime environment.
Enter one or more env variables in following format:
Read more about environment variables in Zerops.
REQUIRED. Defines the start command for your Rust application.
health check​
OPTIONAL. Defines a health check.
requires either one httpGet
object or one exec
Configures the health check to request a local URL using a HTTP GET method.
Following attributes are available:
Parameter | Description |
port | Defines the port of the HTTP GET request. The readiness check will trigger a GET request on{port}/{path} |
path | Defines the URL path of the HTTP GET request. The readiness check will trigger a GET request on{port}/{path} |
host | Optional. The readiness check is triggered from inside of your runtime container so it always uses the localhost ( ). If you need to add a host to the request header, specify it in the host attribute. |
scheme | Optional. The readiness check is triggered from inside of your runtime container so no https is required. If your application requires a https request, set scheme: https |
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
build: ...
# ==== how to run your application ====
# REQUIRED. Your Rust application start command
start: ./app
# OPTIONAL. Define a health check with a HTTP GET request option.
# Configures the check on
port: 80
path: /status
Read more about how the [health check works] in Zerops.
Configures the health check to run a local command. Following attributes are available:
Parameter | Description |
command | Defines a local command to be run. |
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
build: ...
# ==== how to run your application ====
# REQUIRED. Your Rust application start command
start: ./app
# OPTIONAL. Define a health check with a shell command.
command: |
touch grass
rm -rf life
mv /outside/user /home/user
Read more about how the [health check works] in Zerops.
OPTIONAL. Defines cron jobs.
Setup cron jobs in the following format:
Read more about setting up cron in Zerops.
Deploy configuration​
readiness check​
OPTIONAL. Defines a readiness check. Read more about how the readiness check works in Zerops.
requires either one httpGet
object or one exec
Configures the readiness check to request a local URL using a http GET method.
Following attributes are available:
Parameter | Description |
port | Defines the port of the HTTP GET request. The readiness check will trigger a GET request on{port}/{path} |
path | Defines the URL path of the HTTP GET request. The readiness check will trigger a GET request on{port}/{path} |
host | Optional. The readiness check is triggered from inside of your runtime container so it always uses the localhost ( ). If you need to add a host to the request header, specify it in the host attribute. |
scheme | Optional. The readiness check is triggered from inside of your runtime container so no https is required. If your application requires a https request, set scheme: https |
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
build: ...
# ==== how to deploy your application ====
# OPTIONAL. Define a readiness check with a HTTP GET request option.
# Configures the check on
port: 80
path: /status
# ==== how to run your application ====
run: ...
Read more about how the readiness check works in Zerops.
Configures the readiness check to run a local command. Following attributes are available:
Parameter | Description |
command | Defines a local command to be run. |
# hostname of your service
- setup: app
# ==== how to build your application ====
build: ...
# ==== how to deploy your application ====
# OPTIONAL. Define a readiness check with a HTTP GET request option.
# Configures the check on
command: |
touch grass
rm -rf life
mv /outside/user /home/user
Read more about how the readiness check works in Zerops.