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Stop and start Node.js service

Zerops allows you to stop any service. Stopped services only consume disk.

Stop, start and restart Node.js service in Zerops GUI

To stop the Node.js service in Zerops GUI go to the project dashboard and select the Stop menu item in the top right corner.

// TODO screenshot (show menu with the start and stop items on a service)

To start the stopped Node.js service choose the Start item from the same menu.

To restart the Node.js service choose the Restart item from the same menu.

Stop and start Node.js using zCLI

zCLI is the Zerops command-line tool. To stop and start the Node.js service via the command-line, follow these steps:

  1. Install & setup zCLI
  2. Run the zcli service stop command
zcli service stop [serviceIdOrName] [flags]

-h, --help the enable Zerops subdomain command.
--projectId string If you have access to more than one project, you must specify the project ID for which the
command is to be executed.
--serviceId string If you have access to more than one service, you must specify the service ID for which the
command is to be executed.

zCLI commands are interactive, when you press enter after zcli service stop, you will be given a list of your projects and services to choose from.

  1. Run the zcli service start command
zcli service start [{serviceName | serviceId}] [flags]

-h, --help the service start command.
--projectId string If you have access to more than one project, you must specify the project ID for which the
command is to be executed.
--serviceId string If you have access to more than one service, you must specify the service ID for which the
command is to be executed.

zCLI commands are interactive, when you press enter after zcli service start, you will be given a list of your projects and services to choose from.