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🚧 Work in Progress

Node.js Getting Started

Node.js ↗ is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, which is designed to build scalable network applications.

As said, there is no need for coding yet, we have created a Github repository ↗, a recipe, containing the most simple Node.js web application. The repo will be used as a source from which the app will be built.

🚀Feel free to deploy the recipe yourself

This is the most bare-bones example of Node.js app running on Zerops — as few libraries as possible, just a simple endpoint with connect, read and write to a Zerops PostgreSQL database.

  1. Log in/sign up to Zerops GUI ↗

  2. In the Projects box click on Import a project and paste in the following YAML config (source ↗):

name: recipe-nodejs
- zerops-recipe

- hostname: api
type: nodejs@20
enableSubdomainAccess: true

- hostname: db
type: postgresql@16
mode: NON_HA
priority: 1
  1. Click on Import project and wait until all pipelines have finished.

That's it, your application is now up and running! Let's check it works:

  1. A subdomain should have been enabled and visible in the project's IP addressed & Public Routing Overview box. Its format should look similar to this
  2. Click or the subdomain URL to open it in a browser and you should see
Hello, World!

Do you have any questions? Check the step-by-step tutorial, browse the documentation and join our Discord community to get help from our team and other members.

How to start

It doesn't matter whether it's your first curious introduction to Zerops, you have already mastered the basics and are looking for a tiny detail or inspiration. Below, choose a section that fits your needs:

Feature Highlights

When in doubt, reach out

Don't know how to start or got stuck during the process? You might not be the first one, visit the FAQ section to find out.

In case you haven't found an answer (and also if you have), we and our community are looking forward to hearing from you on Discord.

Have you build something that others might find useful? Don't hesitate to share your knowledge!